Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I miss you Scotty!

Little Miss Chloe spent all her days terrorizing her cousin Scotty, during our visit in TX. They played together all day everyday. I think Scotty was getting a little tired of Chloe in his face all the time. But, since we've been home Chloe asks everyday if she can go to her Aunt Noi's house to play with Scotty. She loves her cousins! But, most of all I think she loves that her Aunt Noi always sends her home with goodies. This time her goody was Scotty's sandbox! I always have to bring an empty suitcase or in this case a half empty car. I have to make sure I have the space to bring all the stuff my sister sends me home with!
Chloe Playing with her new sandbox. I put water in it instead of sand. It's cleaner! I know I'm a mean mommy. I'll get her some sand one of these days!

I also bought this desk in TX. I found it at the thrift store for $39.00! It's solid wood and the chair was included. The top lifts up so you can store stuff. Right now it's in the hallway next to the kitchen. It will be going into her room eventually. She likes to sit and do puzzles there, while I cook dinner. And yes she spends most her days in underwear(unless we leave the house). This child does not like wearing clothes.

I also found this bike at goodwill near my mom's house. It was only $5.00! It came with training wheels but I had to take them off so I could fit it into the car. Yes, I shoved all this stuff into my little car! When I got home I had to unload everything myself because Jim was still in California. I'm not complaining though...he would have thought I was crazy. There really was not an inch to spare. The trunk, backseat next to Chloe, and Passenger seat was packed full! We had so much fun on our trip to TX! I can't wait to go back. I don't have to wait long though. We are going again next month. This time Jim is coming! My lovely sister will be keeping Chloe while Jim and I take a mini vacay!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

While daddy's away...

The girls will play. Since Jim left for Ft.Irwin Chloe and I hopped into the car and drove to TX! I was planning on coming sometime at the end of May with a friend but, decided to leave the day Jim left. After some convincing from my sister, I quickly cleaned my house, packed up the car and hit the road. It took 7hrs, and only one tank of gas! Chloe did great! She watched movies and ate her snacks. She was awake for only half the drive. While we have been here Chloe celebrated her 3rd birthday! Oh how time flies! She had a surprise birthday breakfast. She and her cousins had star shaped doughnuts and strawberries. I plan on throwing her a party next month when her daddy comes home and her Nana comes to visit.
Chloe has been having so much fun with her cousins. We always enjoy our visits here! Today Chloe and Scotty went to open gym. Here are a few pics...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday afternoon BBQ

Yesterday was the start of Dragon week for Jim's Batallion. It is a laid back week since next week they will be going to Ft.Irwin for a whole month. Ft.Irwin is where you go train in preparation for Iraq. Chloe had a lot of fun. There was a bonce house with a slide. She also met a dog named Teddy, and she was convinced he was going home with her.

Don't you just love that face!

Monday, April 27, 2009

last weekend...

This past weekend we had pretty bad weather. It rained, and rained all weekend. Saturday we were able to take Chloe to the park for a few minutes. After we decided it was a little chilly, we got into the car and it immediately started raining so we left just in time. The rest of the weekend we stayed in. Chloe still had fun. Jim built her a fort in the living room, put on a puppet show, and we played hide and go seek. Not too many places to hide in our apartment but it was still fun. It was funny to see Chloe trying to find her daddy. She would look in places he would never the washing machine and dryer!

Inside the Fort daddy built her.It lasted a total of 3minutes before she tore it down.

I have to say I'm getting better at taking out my camera. It's so important to capture your memories.

Friday, April 24, 2009

She can wink...

I didn't know she could do this until Jim took this picture! This girl is such a handful but, I love her so much! There is never a dull moment with her! I can't believe she will be 3yrs. old next month. Too bad Jim will miss her birthday. He will training in California for a whole month. He'll just have to make sure she gets everything on her wish list! :) So far she wants a barbie jeep, dinosaurs, and flash cards. Every time when we leave the house she says "are we going to wal-mart?"
"maybe we'll buy a barbie truck!" Her great grandparents will be here next week. Maybe they'll give in!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Easter Party!

This is way late but, my Internet has been down! Easter weekend Jim's co-worker has an Easter Party. I forgot my camera but, luckily the hostess took lots of pictures. Chloe had so much fun. She got to do another egg hunt and play in a Blue's Clue's bounce house. She loved the Bounce house I may have to rent one for her birthday this year!

Chloe posing in her dress. I had to change her clothes for the egg hunt and before she went into the bounce house. It was kinda chilly, or should I say windy. It was 70 degrees that day but, with the wind it felt like 50 degrees.

I can dress myself...

Every morning when Chloe wakes up she comes into our room and climbs into bed with me. This morning she came into my room with only her underwear on. I told her to go put Clothse on and this is what she came up with. I just had to get up and take a picture.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Last night...

I went to check on Chloe before I went to sleep and this is how I found her. Completely out of her covers and backwards! I had to take a picture.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Practice round

Last Saturday we took Chloe to an Easter egg hunt at a local park. It was a really small egg hunt. There is going to be a huge one next Saturday with over 5,000 eggs hidden so I thought we could take her to the little one for a little practice round. She had a lot of fun and got lots of eggs. As usual the battery to my camera was low and I only got one picture before my camera died! And she's not even looking at the camera!
And notice the wind blowing Chloe's hair. It wasn't just one windy day, it's ALWAYS windy here. It was 70 degrees that day and we had 10-20mph wind gusts. I feel like I live in Chicago. They should call this place the windy city.

Nap times are back and here to stay...

Ever since Jim finished AIT and we moved to Kansas, Chloe quit taking her afternoon naps. Everything was so hectic and her schedule was different everyday. Now that we are settled and things are back to normal I started a new routine for her and nap time is back. I started putting nap time back in about a week ago and for the first day she didn't even sleep she just layed in her bed for an hour. I thought I was doomed and that maybe she had outgrown nap time but, the next day she actually went to sleep. So I'm glad to say I have an hour of absolute peace and quiet everyday.
And child sleeps with that many stuffed animals. She has to have them placed all around her head. She loves, loves her animals and has a name for all of them. I swear the number of stuffed animals she sleeps with multiplies every week.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

1 month and settled in...

We have been here in Kansas for about a month now and we are pretty much settled in and getting used to new routines. My poor husband has started a completely different routine from when we lived in Georgia. He has to wake up every morning at 5am to go workout. He has to run about 5miles everyday and every Wednesday 10miles. He's always been pretty active but I don't think he has ever exercised this much! He is able to come home for an hour and a half before work so I always make him a big breakfast. One morning he came home and says, "I feel like I'm training for the Olympics!" I guess this is good for him. The better prepared he is for his deployment the better I'll feel!
Army life is different but so far so good. Right now Jim is in training down at Fort Sill, OK. Poor guy is sleeping in a giant tent! But, he is enjoying getting to know everyone, since he is one of the new guys. I have volunteered with the FRG(family readiness group). Each unit has their own FRG and we do fundraisers, plan social events, and keep families informed on what's going on with the soldiers.
Chloe is having lots of fun. There are so many activities for her to do, without having to drive 30min to do so. I'm not sure she realizes we now live in Kansas. She always talks about going to see her cousins like it's a 5min drive from here. I think I need to pull out a map and show her where we are!

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Pictures!

I found a coupon online to get 36 portraits at sears for $4.99 so I took Chloe to get her picture taken today. You only get to choose one pose but, for $4.99 I think that's quite a deal! I just had her pictures taken not too long ago but, you can never have too many! Here are some from her shoot.

She did so well! She actually smiled and somewhat sat still. She is such a fun girl, I'm going to miss her dearly when she has to leave me and go to pre-school this fall. Since Jimmy will be deploying to either Iraq or Afghanistan in September I've decided to send Chloe to pre-school so I can go back to school. The Army has such great advantages! As a spouse I can take classes at Barton College on the Army base for FREE! I'm sad that I will have to leave Chloe but, I think she will really enjoy learning and playing with other kids.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

This morning I surprised Chloe with a Valentine's Day present at breakfast. She was so excited. She's happy when she gets anything doesn't matter how small...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chloe's 1st big girl bed!

Chloe's bed was delivered today! Her room is small so we decided to get her a daybed. She was so excited when they were putting it together! She wouldn't leave them alone. I am still in the process of decorating her room but, here is a glimpse of her new bed!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Jimmy finally finished all his training and got his orders for his 1st duty station. Ft.Riley in Kansas. Chloe and I drove all the way from Georgia to meet him here. It was a long long drive! It took us about 15hrs. We did stop and spend the night in St.Louis though. After we got here we lived in a hotel for about 2weeks and finally found a place to live and moved in about a week ago! We are still waiting on the movers to come with our belongings. I found my USB cord today. This whole time I thought it was packed up in a box. I'm glad we're out of a hotel but, it's been rough living in our new place without any of our stuff! I kinda had a feeling it might take a while for our stuff to get here so I packed a lot of extra stuff in the car. Like an air mattress, blankets, sheets, and towels, etc. Good thing, otherwise we would be sleeping on the floor! Chloe is probably the only one enjoying the empty space. It's too cold to play outside so she can run around inside. So far Kansas isn't so bad. It's very pretty. Everyone seems to think it's flat here. For the record it's NOT. We're at the foot of the Flint Hills. We're also right next to Colorado so that should tell you something.

Here's Chloe all bundled up ready to leave the hotel in St.Louis. We had about a 5hr. drive left. It was so cold there! That day they actually cancelled school due to cold weather. It wasn't even snowing it was just super cold.

Jimmy cleaning out the car as I sat inside being lazy. The car was a disaster after the drive. The backseat was full of food and crumbs! That's what a 2yr old does to a car during a 15hr. drive. I wish I took a picture, it was so gross!

Our new table(jimmy picked it out). It's really big. I think we were feeling desperate for something comfortable to sit on, since we don't have our couches here yet.

Chloe fell asleep watching a movie on her portable movie player. Thank heaven for those! This poor girl always falls asleep in the most awkward places.

I didn't pack enough toys for Chloe so Jimmy went out and bought her some Lincoln logs. She built this tower and was so proud of herself! Notice her short hair too. I had 3inches cut off. Her hair was so long but, so thin! It looks so much better this length.