Thursday, February 26, 2009

1 month and settled in...

We have been here in Kansas for about a month now and we are pretty much settled in and getting used to new routines. My poor husband has started a completely different routine from when we lived in Georgia. He has to wake up every morning at 5am to go workout. He has to run about 5miles everyday and every Wednesday 10miles. He's always been pretty active but I don't think he has ever exercised this much! He is able to come home for an hour and a half before work so I always make him a big breakfast. One morning he came home and says, "I feel like I'm training for the Olympics!" I guess this is good for him. The better prepared he is for his deployment the better I'll feel!
Army life is different but so far so good. Right now Jim is in training down at Fort Sill, OK. Poor guy is sleeping in a giant tent! But, he is enjoying getting to know everyone, since he is one of the new guys. I have volunteered with the FRG(family readiness group). Each unit has their own FRG and we do fundraisers, plan social events, and keep families informed on what's going on with the soldiers.
Chloe is having lots of fun. There are so many activities for her to do, without having to drive 30min to do so. I'm not sure she realizes we now live in Kansas. She always talks about going to see her cousins like it's a 5min drive from here. I think I need to pull out a map and show her where we are!


Hilllary Howland said...

Good to hear you guys are doing so well! We need to catch up!

Noi said...

Talk about updating blogs. You should talk. LOL!