Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Park Fun

Monday afternoon I borrowed my brother in law John's car and took Chloe to the Madison Park to eat lunch and play since it was so nice out. There were lots of other kids for her to play with. They were all bigger than her though. But, she tends to play better with bigger kids because she's a little bossy. She had a lot of fun playing on the jungle jim and running around the park. She played so hard that she fell asleep in the car on the way home. I didn't get to take very many pictures cause I was so nervous that she would fall off the jungle jim and get hurt. And it's so hard for me to get her to hold still long enough to to get a good picture. I think I need a camera with a faster shutter speed.

Rainy day...

Yesterday was we had horrible weather. It rained and rained all day. So we stayed in. Chloe has a lot of outside toys in her room though. So keeping her occupied isn't too hard. She likes to play in her house and Jimmy just got her a cozy coop a couple weeks ago.

If all else fails give her a box and it'll keep her entertained for awhile.

1 comment:

Hilllary Howland said...

Aning she is darling. She is getting so big! When are you going to be in Texas? I have to come see you!!!!