Monday, March 17, 2008

Take this test!
Being a parent has never looked so classy! Understated and always tasteful, someone as timelessly chic as you isn't easy to come by. So it makes sense that your Hollywood mom match would be the super-sweet and ever-elegant Reese Witherspoon. Sure, you still deal with spit up and changing diapers: The difference is that you manage to look good even when handling the basics of momhood. And beyond your poise and appearances you still shine with the knowledge that no matter what, family comes first and if you don't have family you don't have much.

Somehow, with a million things to juggle, you always make it look effortless. So even if you're not from Hollywood, you can sure play the part. Now that's a class act!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

i am glad you like inch bug. i found the site last time i was at the doctor and fell in love with what they sell.
thanks for the tip about cars!