As Chloe gets older Christmas just gets better. She had so much fun making cookies for santa and checking her stocking the next morning.
Jimmy's brother John went to Vegas for New Years and he brought Chloe back a dress and bandana. John is a bit of a tree hugger and if Chloe was his child this is how he would dress her!

Jimmy had to go back to Missourri for one last week of training so on the way to the airport we stopped at Build a Bear Workshop at the Stonecrest mall. This was Chloe's second trip there. She had so much fun. She made a moose and named her Maggie. You can buy little voice recorders to put inside the stuffed animals. So Jimmy recorded a little message for her so she can hear his voice whenever she wants.
Chloe giving Maggie a bath before putting her on her new outfit.

The finished product, Jimmy picked out the outfit!
She loves Maggie Moose and sleeps with her every night!
She is getting so big! What are you guys up to?? Where is your husband?
What a sweet post! Ps I love your dress you are wearing in the pictures in the side bar.
Are you in Georgia now???
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