I also saw a lot of sea creatures I didn't even know existed. Like the spider crab! My favorite was the little sea horses, and sea dragons. Chloe loved going outside to see the sea lions do tricks.
After we left the Aquarium we went across the street to the park. They had a huge park with 3 different playgrounds. One was made just for little ones... Chloe's size. The slides were right at her level. All in all it was a great day. Jim knew he had a very busy work schedule this week, so he took the time off to spend it with us before Chloe and I leave for Texas, next wednesday. We'll be gone for 2 whole weeks. I'm very excited to see my mom, sister and my nieces and nephew. I haven't seen them since November. I'm very thankful they don't live far. They're just a 2 hour plane ride away.

Hey! Send me your email address so I can invite you to our blog! So good to see you the other week. Chloe is absolutely beautiful!! We need to get together and let the kids play. We'll meet in the middle since we live like an hour apart but are still in the same ward! :)
P.S. Tell Noi to get a blog already!!
I love all the pictures! I hope you are having a fun time visiting your Mom, and sister. Tell Noi hello!
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