Well it has been quite a month. So many life changes have been made! #1 being my husband joined the Army. He is at Basic Training in Missouri right now! I am currently living in Texas until he is finished with all of his training. Which won't be until January 1st. But I will get to see him in October when I fly up for his BT graduation. So far I have only been able to talk to him on the phone once. The only communication we have is through letters. When I sit down to write him a letter I feel like I'm back in junior high. But, it's fun waiting for the mail man to come so I can check for for any letters from him! I am really enjoying my stay here in TX. It's nice spending time with my family. And I love that Chloe finally gets to bond with her other grandma(my mom). I also have some friends I went to high school with, that live here.