Our 2nd year anniversary was on thursday but, we didn't celebrate till last night. I forgot my camera so we didn't get any pictures! But, it was a lot of fun. We don't really get out much. Jimmy's mom watched Chloe while we went out. Jim took me to a resturant in Conyers called "Seven Gables". It was our first time there and we loved it! The food was awesome. Jim got the rack of lamb and I got Alaska king crab legs...mmmm!!

They served warm bread with this butter that tasted like it was churned with maple syrup. I would go back just to eat the butter! Anyway, after dinner we went to see "National Treasure book of secrets." It was nice because this movie has been in the theater for so long and I guess everyone has already seen it. So there were only 10 other people in the theater. It wasn't hard to get a good seat. After the movie we headed home, and when we were almost halfway home I realized I didn't have my cell phone. Jim thought he heard something hit the floor inside the theater when I got up but, he didn't think anything of it. I knew I lost it there. So we headed back toward the the theater hoping there were still workers there(we went to one of the last showings). Luckily someone let us in to search for my cell phone. Sure enough it was on the floor next to my seat! Besides all that we had a really good time. I'm looking forward to our next date. Hopefully it's soon!