Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Banana shoes!

Chloe absolutely loves fairy's! When the new Tinker Bell movie came out, her nana bought it for her and she is obsessed with the movie. She wants to watch it everyday! And if you ask her what she wants Santa to bring her for Christmas she happily replies, "banana shoes." At first I had no idea what she was talking about and then she said, "like Tinker Bell!" So cute! I think she means the shoes that the other fairy's wear. They look just like elf shoes. SO I can see why she calls them banana shoes. So I am on a search to find her banana shoes! I'm hoping that it will be super easy since it's Christmas time...they gotta have elf shoes somewhere right??

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Edwards baby....maybe?

So I have been reading Breaking Dawn...I'm right past the part where Jacob visits Bella at the Cullen's home. And she's pregnant! I haven't finished the book and my sister has been very gracious in not spoiling any of the books. Anyway, I don't know if she ends up having the baby or if it's a girl or boy. But, anyway my brother in law has an apple laptop, it has really neat affects on it. He took this one of Chloe on his webcam. It's kinda scary looking but, when I saw it I thought oooh vampire baby!

Monday, November 17, 2008


My husband is at still at training and he has a little bit of free time these days. Especially on Sundays. And you can only workout at the gym for so many hours. I told him about the Twilight series I've been reading, and I told him about the movie coming out. Anyway, I talked him into going to buy the book and he is now reading it! I just told him it was about vampires! We'll see what he thinks of it! I think he assumes that if there is going to be a movie made, then it must be good.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ft.Leonard Wood, MO.

Chloe and I were able to go see Jim graduate BCT. We Flew into St. Louis and then had to drive 2hrs. to Ft.Leonard Wood. I am so glad I did not have to do it alone! Jim's mother, brother and grandparents met Chloe and I at the airport, and made the drive with us. Of course I was in such a rush packing and getting things together I almost forgot a camera. I didn't forget the camera but...the battery to the camera was completely dead! And I didn't have the charger! Luckily my brother in law John had his! Here is one of the pics he took. Chloe didn't want to sit next to him. I felt bad because she has always been a daddy's girl but, I think she was a little confused. His head was shaved and he lost 35lbs. This is in the lobby of our hotel after dinner. It was so nice to see my hubby, but it was a little sad because we only had one day with him. 11hrs. to be exact. He still has 7weeks of AIT. But, we will see him in Dec. for 2weeks. He has 2 weeks off for xmas!

Chloe and Madison

Noi I found this pic on mom's camera. They're in mom's room playing with Maxy. I thought it was funny cause I swear I've seen a pic of us like this somewhere!

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Pictures!

While I was down at my sister's house I took Chloe to get her picture taken. I took her to a place called Portrait Innovation's. I think they do a pretty good job and the prices are reasonable. Chloe is so hard to take pictures of because she hates sitting still, and it's almost impossible to get her to smile but, they take at least 30 pics. So I had a some good ones to choose from. Here are some of my favorites!

This is really what she does when she giggles!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bows, bows and more bows

I started making bows making bows about 6months ago. Something I passed on to my sister as well. I stopped for a while, and when I got to Texas, I didn't have much else to do so I went out and bought lots of ribbon. Here is what I've made so far.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chloe's new ride...

A couple weeks ago my stepfather came home from work with a surprise for Chloe. A new 4wheeler! I finally got around to taking some pics. She drives it pretty good. She has a little trouble steering, so she runs into the fence a lot but, she getting her practice in. Jim is determind to get her a power wheels for xmas but, I still think she a little young. Maybe for her 3rd birthday.

Jim had been bugging me about sending him pics of Chloe and I. There are virtually no pics of me cause I'm always behnd the camera, so I had my little brother take some. I thought I post them!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Your baby can read!

Today while Chloe was taking a nap I was flipping through the channels on T.V and I came across a infomercial. It was titled Your baby can read so of course it got my attention. Here is the website
You must check it out. It's a program that teaches babies to read. That's right babies, babies as young as 8months old. They showed 2 3 and 4yr olds reading books. It contains dvd's and flash cards. I almost want to try it but, I don't want to spend $199. Chloe learned her colors, and alphabet(lower case, and uppercase) with the help of Pre school prep videos. Those are a little more afordable at $14.95/dvd. Check out the website and see if your impressed!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Potty Trained!

I had been meaning to post about my sweet baby girl, well not a baby anymore. About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I decided that pull-ups were no longer working for me. Chloe was using the potty but, still going in her pull-up about 50% of the time. So one day I said okay Chloe no more pull-ups! A couple accidents on grandmas floor and 2days later she was wearing underwear! Even on our occasional outings! I never thought the day would come. I am so proud of her! Her daddy will be glad he no longer has to pay for diapers and pull-ups. Well, not many anyway. She still wears a pull-up to bed. For accidents sake. This picture will definitely be going in the album of embarrasing pics to show her future husband. It was right before her night time bath. She was wearing pigtail braids that day.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Summer fun!

Chloe had such a fun visit with her cousins, down in Harker Heights! She's ready for another visit! She misses her cousins. So come pick us up Aunt Noi.
This pic is from her last visit, at the community pool in Noi's neighborhood.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to the blogging world...

Well it has been quite a month. So many life changes have been made! #1 being my husband joined the Army. He is at Basic Training in Missouri right now! I am currently living in Texas until he is finished with all of his training. Which won't be until January 1st. But I will get to see him in October when I fly up for his BT graduation. So far I have only been able to talk to him on the phone once. The only communication we have is through letters. When I sit down to write him a letter I feel like I'm back in junior high. But, it's fun waiting for the mail man to come so I can check for for any letters from him! I am really enjoying my stay here in TX. It's nice spending time with my family. And I love that Chloe finally gets to bond with her other grandma(my mom). I also have some friends I went to high school with, that live here.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The case of a shrunken shoe

Yesterday as I was cleaning out my car I found a couple of Chloe's shoes. Her white sandals and ONE of her pink crocs I bought her while in TX. Anyway they got left in there from Saturday when she went with Jim to a friends house. Later that day Chloe wanted to go outside, so I told her to go put her crocs on. Well, for some strange reason she could not get her right foot in. So I tried and sure enough her foot wouldn't go in. I put her left shoe on and it fit just fine. I looked at the bottom of both shoes and they were the same size! Confused I called my husband at work and asked him if there were other children at Tyrone and Arlene's house, and he said no. I called Arlene anyway and she confirmed there were no other small children there. So I came to the conclusion that the shoe that got left in the car shrunk from being in the hot sun for 4 days. Is that possible?? The shoe literally shrunk a whole inch! I plan on calling the company to complain. Maybe they'll send her a new shoe. I didn't pay $25 for Chloe to wear these shoes for 2months! I'll take a picture when I get my camera back, so ya'll can see! But, for anyone with crocs out there, DON'T leave them in the car!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Texas Vacay...

I was just in Texas about 2months ago but, I'm excited to say I'm going back for another visit. But, this time I don't have to leave my sweet husband at home. He gets to come too! This is a special visit, my mom got married so while we're there she is having her wedding/house warming party. I usually fly with Airtran cause they are usually the cheapest. Everytime I go to Texas my ticket is under $200. But this time the tickets are $352 which wouldn't be so bad if Jim wasn't coming and Chloe hadn't turned 2 yet. I decided to do a little research and I found all 3 tickets flying with Southwest for $588 that's almost half the price of Airtran! The only catch is Southwest doesn't fly out of Atlanta. The closest airport they fly out of is Birmingham, AL. Which is 198 miles from our house. But, luckily Jim's aunt Cheryle lives in Birmingham. So we get to make a visit to see her too. We haven't seen her since Thanksgiving and she only lives 3 hours away. I just wanted to share my cheap find. So if anyone is looking for a ticket, look on Southwest Airlines. They also sell discounted tickets for babies under the age of 2.

Friday, June 6, 2008

To my wonderful husband...

Happy birthday!

I couldn't help but, post this pic of him I found. I think it was thanksgiving 2006. Our Chloe was so short and round, now she's tall and skinny.
Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 5, 2008

2 posts in one day! This is for you aunt Noi!

Noi had sent Chloe pots, pans, and cooking utencils for her Birthday. In the box she included some blocks, a puzzle and some Pajamas that were Scotty's. I love getting hand me downs from her. When I get Madison and Morgans clothse, they're usually so big and I have to wait years before they will fit Chloe. But, she sometimes sends Scotty's old clothse, mostly Pj's and play clothse. Isn't it funny how you have to be careful what clothing you put boys in but, it really doesn't matter what you put girls in. Anyway, here is Chloe in Scotty's old pj's after her bath and ready for bed.

Yes she still sleeps in her crib and she is snuggling with her pillowsoft babydoll.

Chloe's bday

Here are a couple pics from Chloe's bday. I didn't get to take any of her durring her party cause I was busy getting everything ready but, here are a few of her on her special day. This is after everyone left. She's wearing her jewelry from her aunt Cindy and in the background is the kitchen and shopping cart we got her. We got her a few other thing as well, I think we went a little overboard at Toys R' Us. When you go in you literally want to buy everything it's like being a kid again. I picked out some girly things and learning toys but of course Jim wanted to get her some action figures. Which she actually plays with!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby!!

I can't believe how quickly time flies! It only seems like yesterday you were born!

I was looking through Chloe's baby book and, she has grown so much! In a year she has grown 4 1/2 inches tall, and her feet have grown 3 shoe sizes.

Today we had a little party with the family. I made her a cake and she opened presents. I'll post pics soon!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chloe's nicknames...

Jessica did a blog about all the nicknames that Braden has so I thought I would share all the silly names we call Chloe.

1. Boo Bear
2. Boober
3. Poo head
4. Poo bear
5. Nooner
6. Noony
7. Noony head
8. Stinker
9. Clo Clo
10. Kiki
11. Barbie legs
12. lil' mama
13. munchkin
14. Moo moo
15. Boo knocker
16. little foot
Those are the ones I can think of.
But, her cousin Scotty has a couple that he calls her too...
1. Coco-that was when he couldn't say Chloe
2. Chloe Doughie- he still calls her that

Jim used to always call her by her nicknames and never her first name and I was scared she wouldn't know her real name. But, thank goodness she knows her real name is Chloe and she does answer to that name.

Happy Mother's Day!

On Sunday Chloe and Jim got up to make breakfast. They made French Toast, my favorite. Then later that day Chloe's Papa and Nunu(Jim's grandparrents) came over for dinner. Since Jim said I had the day off from cooking, he grilled steaks(pretty much the only kind of cooking he does) made baked potatoes, and salad. It was all very good.
I am so thankful for such sweet little girl and a wonderful husband who goes out of his way, to make everyday special. I love being mom and it's so nice to have a day that celebrates all the hard work that mom's do for their children! Having my own daughter makes me appreciate my mother a lot more. I love you mom!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A night in Tuscany...

One of Jim's co-workers invited us to attend a dinner party at a local resturant, downtown Madison. Ronne is Italian so the theme was A night in Tuscany. He invited a group of about 16 and we all had to make up Italian names and speak with an accent. Jim was "Francesco" and I was "Dolce." We had a lot a fun and the food was amazing! It was four courses of Italian recipes that came from Ronne's(aka Don Dino) grandmother. Once again I missed out on taking pictures because my camera is broken! I am looking to buy a new camera, does anyone have any suggestions for a good camera that won't cost me a fortune?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Last week...and more

It's been over a week since I'ved posted anything! We've been busy all week with playdates, lunchdates, and a baby shower. On thursday I took my mother in law around town to go shopping and then she babysat Chloe so Jim and I could go out to dinner. We went to Peebles and the dollar store. Trish (my mother in law) is the only person I know that can spend over $50 at the dollar store. Just about everything is a dollar! She bought Chloe new sippy cups and a princess rug to put in her playhouse. If you don't know Chloe she is a lot like me. She is very girly. She loves to play dress up and she loves her purses and jewelry. So Trish also bought her some sticker earrings and barbie princess rings. Here are some pics of her trying on her new rings.

Here are some more pictures from our visit in Texas...

The first day we got to my mom's house... All the kids enjoying push pops!

Chloe riding Scotty's horse. Noi has had this horse since Madison, so it's about 7 years old. And now it's in Scotty's cowboy themed bedroom.

This picture is my's a princess with a power tool

Here is Madison and Morgan. They were such a big help with Chloe. Madison especially. She always held Chloe's hand and made sure she didn't get hurt or fall into the pond when we went to the park. Too bad they don't live in GA anymore I would have Madison over all the time!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Here are some pictures Hillary took while we were in Texas. We went to this park that had flowers everywhere. Such a pretty setting. Thank you, Hill your so talented!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Home sweet home...

Chloe and I got home on Saturday. We had a lot fun in Texas but we're glad to be home. When we got into the Atlanta airport we headed down to the baggage claim to meet Jim. As soon as he spotted us he came over and took Chloe out of her stroller. She didn't say a word she just gave him a 10min. long hug. I could tell she really missed her daddy. All she wanted was to have him hold her.
We got to do a lot in Houston. Hillary took us shopping at Sam Moon, we walked around downtown and we even had the men (Hillary's husband and cousin Jake) babysit all the kids (there were 4 kids) while we went to Hillary's friends house to play Bunco. It was the 1st time I ever played and it was a lot of fun! I would start a Bunco night if I knew enough women.
I didn't get to take any pics while I was in Houston because my camera broke! But Hillary does photography and she took lots of pictures of Chloe. She hasn't finished editing all of them but, she has a few up on her blog. It's...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our last night

Chloe has been having so much fun with her cousins. While the girls are at school she gets to play with Scotty. They like to run around and get into mischief together and Scotty lets her play with all his toys. I think she'll really miss them. Hopefully we come back to visit soon.
I've been giving them a bath together every night and, last night Scotty was teaching her how to swim like a fish.


Here are some pictures from my sister's camera that we took on easter. This is after church in Noi's front yard..

Here they are hunting for easter eggs in the backyard.Here is Scotty shaking the tree trying to get the egg out of the tree.He got it!